MR Home Decor Shopping vs In-Person Home Decor Shopping

August 25, 2021

MR Home Decor Shopping vs In-Person Home Decor Shopping

Are you tired of the traditional way of home decor shopping? Do you want to try something new? In this article, we're going to compare mixed reality (MR) home decor shopping with in-person home decor shopping.

Convenience: Which Option is More Convenient?

When it comes to convenience, MR home decor shopping is the clear winner. With mixed reality, you can browse through hundreds of home decor items without ever leaving your house. No more long commutes or searching through multiple stores to find what you need. Plus, you can easily compare different items without having to carry them around or worry about storage. According to a survey conducted by Deloitte, 44% of consumers say they would try MR shopping for furniture and home decor.

In-person shopping, on the other hand, can be tiring and time-consuming. You may need to go from store to store to find what you're looking for. You may also have to deal with traffic, crowded stores, and long lines.

Accuracy: Which Option is More Accurate?

One of the benefits of MR home decor shopping is the accuracy of the experience. With MR, you can see how a particular item would look in your space before you buy it. This is because you can overlay the item on an actual image of your room, giving you a much better idea of how it will fit and look.

In-person shopping also has its strengths in terms of accuracy. When you're physically in a store, you can touch, feel, and sit on the items. This can give you a better idea of the quality and durability of the piece.

Cost: Which Option is Cheaper?

When it comes to cost, MR shopping may be cheaper in the long run. With MR, you can easily compare prices from different retailers without having to spend any money on transportation. This can save you money on gas and parking fees.

In-person shopping may cost more in terms of transportation, but you can often find sales and discounts in-store that may not be available online. It's also easier to negotiate prices in-store, especially when dealing with a salesperson who may have the power to offer discounts on the spot.


In conclusion, both MR home decor shopping and in-person shopping have their strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to convenience and accuracy, MR shopping is the clear winner. In terms of cost, it could go either way depending on the situation. Ultimately, the best option for you will depend on your personal preferences and situation.

And there you have it, a factual comparison of MR home decor shopping and in-person shopping. We hope this article was helpful in making your decision.


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